Nothing Comes Easy

Life is full of challenges and obstacles, but that’s what makes it interesting and rewarding. Imagine if everything we wanted came to us effortlessly – it might seem nice at first, but it would quickly become boring and unfulfilling. Think about your favorite video game or book. What makes it so enjoyable? It’s probably the…

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When people tell lies, they lose credibility

Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy who lived in a village surrounded by green hills and meadows. His job was to watch over a flock of sheep, making sure they stayed safe from harm. But the boy, being mischievous and wanting some excitement, came up with a naughty idea. One sunny day,…

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Woman at the Airport With Biscuit packet

Once upon a time, there was a woman who found herself waiting at the airport for a very long time. She had a book to read and a pack of cookies to munch on while she waited for her flight. After finding a seat, she settled in and began reading her book. As she was…

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Be Receptive

Being receptive means being open to new ideas and suggestions. It’s like having a door in your mind that’s always open, ready to welcome new thoughts and information. Imagine you’re playing a game with your friends, and they have some cool ideas for how to play better. Instead of saying, “No, my way is the…

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Two Wolves Within Us

Once upon a time, there was an old Cherokee who had some wise words to share with his grandson. He told him a story about a big battle that happens inside each and every one of us, every single day. He said, “My dear grandson, inside us, there are two wolves. They’re not like the…

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Do not get caught up in the imagined horrors of the future

Imagine you have a big test coming up next week, or maybe you’re worried about a dentist appointment next month. It’s natural to think about these things and plan for them, but sometimes we spend too much time thinking about what might happen. We start imagining all sorts of scary scenarios, like failing the test…

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